Agents must submit a grand total of $6,500 in Simplicity MRC over the course of the contest which is January 1 - December 31, 2018. This includes equipment rentals.
Simplicity renewals will receive 30% credit toward Simplicity total if within 6 months of expiration.
Agents must submit $40,000 in Comtel MRC over the course of the contest.
Agents may also qualify for one trip with the Accelerators listed on the home page.
Trips cannot be combined. For example, if an agent earns a cruise from an Accelerator provider (Verizon), that revenue will not count towards the $40,000 Comtel goal amount.
All BCN and Comcast new MRC (with a minimum 2 year agreement) will count
1.5X towards overall Comtel goal of $40,000 | January 1 - December 31, 2018
One time billing events and install charges will not be considered in the calculation.
Simplicity Management reserves the right to adjust the MMR and number of customers to migrate if there is a delay in implementation into Q4.
Simplicity Management will qualify all sales. If a customer cancels during the contest period, that revenue will be deducted from the total.
Simplicity Management reserves the right to change the terms at its discretion and will provide a final resolution on any questions in a timely manner.
Special pricing will be reviewed and may not count for full credit.
Selections of Client Services and staff winners will be made by a drawing. Only full-time Client Services and Staff who have been with the companies for at least 6 months qualify for this cycle.
*** Trips have no cash value and cannot be redeemed for cash or any other consideration ***